Mystikal requests gag order in rape case

New Orleans native Mystikal has requested a gag order on his rape and false imprisonment case in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, reports. Citing an "inordinate amount of publicity," the request, filed Thursday by his new defense attorney, Tiffany Myles Crosby, seeks to prohibit attorneys, all potential witnesses and law enforcement officials from commenting on the case.

Mystikal, born Michael Lawrence Tyler, was accused of attacking a woman he's known for over two decades back in July. Ascension Parish Sheriff's Office investigators said the woman went to the rapper's Prairieville home, where she was robbed of her car keys and cellphone, and held against her will. Mystikal allegedly raped and strangled the woman. He also allegedly prayed to remove her "bad spirits" and forced her to pay him $150 through a cellphone app, authorities said in an arrest warrant.

Mystikal was arrested in July and has since pleaded not guilty to first-degree rape, robbery, false imprisonment and other charges. He's been held without bond and is expected in court Monday. His trial is set for this summer.

Crosby is the latest attorney to represent Mystikal. He recently dropped the attorneys who represented him in an earlier rape case that was ultimately dismissed in December 2020.

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